Another great tool Room-Res has developed for your bookings is the ability to book or hold multi-stay Itineraries. You can also Duplicate itineraries, saving you time when you have multiple bookings for different passengers travelling on the same itinerary.
When your client wants to book multiple properties on their trip, you can book the whole itinerary within Room-Res. Knowing that you have secured the best rates at every one of the properties they are staying at.
With the Hold Itinerary feature, you can also take the time to finalise the details of their itinerary and know you have secured that rate for up to 72 hours when you are quoting. You won’t need to worry that your room will sell out and you’ll be guaranteed your planned margin.
If you want to see how easy this is to use, just follow the step by step instructions below.
The first step is to search for, and find, your first hotel stay - just as you do now. Choose the room and rate that you want, click 'Book Now' and add the customer details.
You will now see the option to either 'Pay & Confirm' or 'Create Itinerary'. Click on the 'Create Itinerary' Tab, then the red 'Create Itinerary' button.
Your Itinerary is now created and ready for use!.
To add another hotel to your booking, just click the 'Add Another Hotel' button, at the top of the page.
This will open up a new search box for you to add additional hotel stays...
You can add one or more additional stays by searching as normal - as long as you see the blue 'Itinerary Bar' at the top, you will know that this will be updating an itinerary (and which one!).
Completed your itinerary? Go ahead and check out! Once you have completed your itinerary, you can now go ahead and check out.
Only one payment is required for the whole itinerary - once completed you will receive confirmations for each booking in the itinerary, along with your agency branded customer vouchers.
Find your saved itineraries here, as well as previously booked and confirmed itineraries.
You will also find confirmed bookings, made as part of an itinerary, on your existing Reservations tab, making them easy to make any requests or amendments to each individual item.
Our newest update to the Customer Itinerary Builder includes a 'Duplicate Itinerary' option, so you can replicate a repetitive or frequent itinerary, so all you have to do is change the passenger details, saving your valuable time having to re-search and book all the details over again.
This Itinerary Builder function will make it easy for you to secure our great rates on every property and keep them all in one single booking for you to manage.
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